
The women’s squad spans a range of ages and abilities from senior to master rowers aged 21 to 75 – age really is no barrier! There are planned training outings on Saturday mornings, just-turn-up sessions on Tuesday evenings and some Sunday outings based on availability. In addition, crews and individuals can also plan their own outings and row at other times of their choosing with agreement.

Water sessions generally last 1.5-2 hours with some external coaching as well as coaching from club coxes and BR qualified coaches from within the Club who help squad members to improve and get the best from their outings. Weekend crews meet 15 minutes before session outings for a dynamic warm up and on the ergs.

During the winter season, we swap evening sessions to land based training including using ergometers (ergos) plus strength and conditioning circuits which run all year round.

Our squad members row for a mixture of fitness, challenge, competition, enjoyment and friendship with many choosing to train for races whilst others prefer to just crew row at home.

Squad training plans change emphasis depending on whether we are training for head races (processional races over longer distances) or regattas (side by side) and we compete in both local and national events.

For those rowers who prefer not to race, we also have a Social Rowing Squad who currently row twice a week on Thursday and Sunday mornings. Social rowers are also often joined by other club members who just want another outing, often followed by cake!

Come and join the women’s squad at Avon County, we really do have options to suit everyone!

To find out more, contact Jane Day