Social Rowing

Social rowing is for people who want to enjoy their rowing without needing to indulge in intensive training or racing.

The squad consists of a mixture of experienced rowers and people who have recently come through the Learn To Row and Development courses but do not want to join the racing squads … but racing rowers who want an extra outing are also very welcome! New rowers improve their technique largely by rowing with more experienced rowers in big boats – the squad uses an octuple and quads. There is some low-intensity coaching; we want to have comfortable outings and a bit of a work-out.

Currently the social squad row on Thursday and Sunday mornings but is looking at adding extra outings and times.

The idea is that the social rowers can be flexible. At the moment most of the outings are sculling but we have sweep boats as well. Coxing and bow steering training can be provided for those that would like to get involved and the aim is that with a selection of possible outing times and boats, most people will cox or bow steer the occasional outing. The club also has stable and fine doubles and singles which people can use to build up their confidence.

An important element of social rowing outings is cake and chat. We have one master baker at the moment – more are very welcome! – and most Thursday outings finish with coffee, cake and general chat.

We have had one link-up with a local club for rowing and lunch so far and are plan to do more.

For information, contact Philippa Sondheimer