
The Men’s Squad has around 50 members, ranging from mid-20s through to late-80s, and includes rowers of all abilities, from recent L earn to Row (LTR) graduates to World Masters winners.  We welcome all rowers, whether new to the sport through our LTR, returning to the sport after a break, or moving between areas/clubs. Coxes are always very welcome too, whether experienced or aspiring.

Most of our members row for fitness, for the exhilaration and enjoyment of the sport, and for the friendship and camaraderie of crew rowing. Many also put in the extra miles and represent the club at local and national events. All members have access to coaching and advice from experienced rowers and coxes.

All of our activities are optional, however we encourage members to attend our main training sessions on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings if they can. Some choose to row on Saturdays instead, or as well, and crews are able to arrange outings in the week too if it suits them. 

In the winter months our Wednesday session moves to land training, with erg routines provided by our coaches each week.  We also run a cardio session every Monday evening for those wanting to build additional strength and stamina!

Interested in joining us? You would be very welcome. Please contact Jon Dean